Welcome. As you are here, I can imagine you have many questions including whether talking therapy can help you and whether I as a therapist can help you. Seeking therapy can be daunting. Who can you trust? Will you be understood? What does it involve? I have provided some information on these pages which may help you think about whether talking therapy and I can help you.
During the pandemic, I am offering sessions online.
How talking therapy can help
Talking therapy is also known as counselling or psychotherapy. Counselling tends to take place over a shorter period and may have a specific focus due to the time-limited nature. Psychotherapy tends to be longer and sometimes open-ended, allowing time to go deeper. The focus can be more wide-ranging and change over time. An ending can be discussed during the course of the therapy.
People come for counselling or psychotherapy for many different reasons. Perhaps you are facing or have faced a difficult life situation. You may have specific symptoms such as anxiety or depression. Or you may be feeling lost, very unhappy and not yourself.
From experience of working with different people, I have heard of the positive impact that talking therapy has had on them. Below are some examples:
- To talk through your situation with a person who does not know you but who is trained to listen can be therapeutic.
- It can provide relief to share your difficulties with someone who is not directly involved in your life.
- Even the act of speaking - putting things into words which may not previously have been spoken or much thought about - can provide relief.
- To have a dedicated time and space to think about yourself, your feelings and simply to ‘be’ can also provide relief.
- By talking and relating to the therapist, you can gain a better awareness of yourself with a view to having a different outlook and making different choices, creating change going forward.