I offer weekly 50-minute sessions at a fixed time. This helps to foster a commitment and rhythm to the therapeutic work. Missed sessions (where you are not able to attend a session offered) are charged for as once we agree to work together, that time becomes your space. My experience is predominantly in longer term / open-ended therapy.

My approach is psychodynamic. This means I would work with you to understand your present difficulties in the context of your past. I would also work with you to understand your more unconscious ways of relating and patterns of behaviour which may have once been helpful and even necessary, but may now be unhelpful and causing you distress. I am also interested in how our social and cultural identities inform and shape our sense of self and being in the world.

In talking about difficulties, past or present, strong feelings can be evoked. Gaining increased awareness of yourself and your life can be challenging. Psychodynamic work encourages connection to these feelings, which can feel painful. However it can also be very rewarding to gain insight as it can help you to feel differently, make change and to move forward.

Information shared with me is treated confidentially. I would only involve other services if I feel that there is a risk to yourself or another person. Wherever possible, I would discuss this with you first.